Thursday, 7 April 2016

07/04/2016- Low Row, Brampton

Thursday 07 04. Walsall to Low Row near Carlisle.

Away from Walsall by 12.00, heading North on the M6 towards our friends (Jo and Gary) near Carlisle because we wanted to be in Scotland ASAP.  Bought luxurious tea at Tebay Services Farm Shop (Swaledale and Cumbrian cheeses) and made it by 6.00 pm. Hamish travels at about 58mph on motorways to be economical (32mpg) and sits largely on the inside lane out of trouble.

We enjoyed a lovely evening with Jo and Gary attempting to catch the ‘moose in the hoose’ and spraying red wine liberally around the kitchen and living room- just one of those nights- you’d never guess that Jo is a high-powered, glossy-magazine, centre-fold managing director!

Excellent night’s sleep, where Lisa dreamt of ‘Shooting Stars’.