Friday 08/04. Low Hill to Beheading Hill, Stirling.
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Hamish got going at 9.30, arriving at 12.00-ish for lunch in the Wallace Monument car park (possible Howff).
Paid the £19.00 (for two) entrance required for the privilege of climb innumerable stone steps up the tower, itself on a pretty steep hill, inducing vertiginous feelings for Alastair- but worth it, very interesting facts about the Battle of Stirling bridge.
On return to Hamish we found the garage had acquired a film of water across it’s base. Alastair immediately felt the necessity to empty it of its numerous contents and investigate the source of this unwanted mechanical spring, which seemed to be the Truma waterheater (or possibly not?). Nothing to be done but mop up and return the contents.

Set off for the night’s Howff using our new toy- ‘Wild Camping’ website’s Points of Interest which had been downloaded onto our TomTom satnav (see Hamish’ Hurrahs). This Howff turned out to be under the forbidding walls of Stirling Castle, on Beheading Hill, next to Ballengeich Cemetery. Hamish was slightly scared!
Headed to Brewdog where Alastair got excited and set up a Hamish the Hymer facebook page using their free wireless facility. Thanks Brewdog! Unfortunately in the excitement he set it up as private so no one can see it apart from our immediate friends.

We then headed for the only pub in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide (GBG), which had no Real Ale, but were kindly directed to the oldest pub in Carlisle, The Settle Inn, which thankfully had plenty of delicious Ale!
Back to Hamish, where we slept undisturbed by ghosts and ghoulies.