Monday 16 May 2016

29/04/2016 to 05/05/2016 Week Three, Peatwell, Papay

Friday 29 04

We waved Andrew off on his peedie (Orkney for wee) flight to Kirkwall and cycled up to Fowl Craig to spot Puffins.  Non.  So wandered home to do lists.

We arrived early for our Friday Fresh veg shop hoping to use the Youth Hostel WiFi to post blog stuff. Non!!! (with French accent).  So we frenetically stopped and wandered home.

Waving Andrew Off!

Saturday 30 04

Saturday was a domestic day, We treated ourselves to breakfast in bed then cleaned Peatwell and walked to the' new' pier to recycle.   We walked back along the coast and collected more Broch.

Peedie Bunny in our Garden

Andrew text to say he was home safe and the Walsall peregrines have 4 eggs in their nest, no idea how they are managing without Lisa tidying up pigeon wings, feet, heads for them.

Tonight is pub night so we head up just after 8 to find out it doesn't start until 9pm!!  Not that we are desperate for a beer or anything!!

Julian, barman for the evening, arrived and helpfully tried to explain the difference between common (not so) and atlantic grey seals.  A lovely evening chatting to Jan and Jim, who showed Alastair his jews harps (one wooden), while his wife Margaret played the accordion with her grandson on the guitar.

The walk home was lit by moonlight, in just 2 weeks the nights have become so much lighter .

Sunday 01 05

Through the night the wind had blown around the bedroom making all sort of noises causing wierd dreams and a fitful night.
Alastair's favourite: a Fulmar
Apart from cooking to keep the stocks up we did little today.

Lisa tries once again with the stove but everytime the door is opened the house fills with acrid smoke and Alastair huffs around opening all of the windows which defeats the object as a gale whips through the inside of Peatwell.     Lisa refuses to attempt another fire.      Alastair said he will do it next time.  Fighting talk!

Monday 02 05

Alastair’s second, and much improved, attempt at bread. Julian told us the artic terns were beginning to return and a merlin entertained us on our walk home. 

Tuesday 03 05

Fred the friendly Fulmar
After two relaxing days we experience a day of excitement and entertainment.   We started by walking the last section of coast to complete our circumnavigation of Papay: from the Knapp of Howar to North Hill.

Fred being friendly again

We gave ourselves a break from the high winds by sheltering in the RSPB hide, watching the acrobatic, arial display of arctic skuas. 

RSPB Hide with Bonxie in forground (left)
Back at Peatwell a Bonxie cruised into our common gull field to snatch eggs.    The gulls rise en masse to mob the Bonxie, who beats a somewhat flustered retreat.    Then a blue tractor with trailer arrives in our field!  Then the tractor leaves!

Someone then knocks on our front door!  It is Candy!  She is delivering a microwave!
A day full of entertainment and excitement!

Wednesday 04 05

Force 7 and rain for most of the day.  We have tried all the weather forcasts: BBC TV main, BBC TV regional, Scottish TV, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio Scotland and Orkney Radio.   Non of them come close to describing the weather we get on this wee island, hardly larger than a container ship dropped at the very top of the UK, where the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea meet.    So we listen to the Shipping Forcast.  We are 'Fair Isle'. "Fair enough", we say.

Persistence pays; so we head for the Youth Hostel.  Jen has told as that switching the hub off and on can sometimes encourage the Internet to play.  We try that and it seems to play, so we post the blog what we wrote.

Jen says that we should try Papay in winter. She tells us that the community bought Rose Cottage from the RSPB, so we could rent it for a month or two.  We are seriously thinking we might. Just that bloomin lack of Internet!

Thursday 05 05

Whilst waiting in the airport terminal (shed) for the Big Bird (plane) to take Alastair to mainland (Orkney) to return stuff, we talked (blethered) to Anne  about our efforts to see the 'Merry Dancers' (Northern Lights).

We explained that Lisa had set on alarm for 01.00am so the Alastair could get up and check if any were apparent; they never were,  Anne suggested she'd shine green lazers around Peatwell because she felt sorry for us. We never did see any; already it is too light, nearly all the way through the night, to see them.

Alastair dropped off the bus and into Tourist Information.  That morning, the headlines on Orkney Radio were about a leaflet for tourists describing a fictitious island: Mama Westray.    It described: fish eating pigs, Cate Blanchett as a regular visitor, the world famous 'tomb of a haddock', the Hall of Mcflummery etc

The Poppies, Kirkwall
Ten minutes passed whilst the counter person spoke on the phone: "I couldn't possibly comment.  The islanders may be upset that tourists are misinformed.    Personally I think it must be a prank.    No we did not print it.    l couldn't possibly say.     As an employee I am not permitted.."  Well you get the idea. To be fair he kept his. cool.

Another TI person arrived behind the counter.
Alastair: "Have you got a leaflet about Mama Westray, please?".
"Will you be getting some?"
"Do you know where I can get one?"
l guessed they were getting a wee bit fed up and so left.

Lisa met Alastair at the airport as he flew safely back into Papay and we cycled home to examine our goodies, more gin, whisky and olive bread.

Sat in the sun room that evening after tea we had our first serious discussion about the prospect of moving to live on Papay.    Lisa said she couldn't remember feeling so happy and contented and slept through till 8am the next day.